Program Course Equivalencies
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Displaying 3671 through 3680 results of 5069 of matching course equivalencies.
Program or Location: Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg - Mannheim
Foreign Course Title: Advanced German-English Translation
- Language of Instruction ENG
UO Transfer Information
- UO subject and title: GER: Advanced German-English Translation
- Recorded as: OBWU 188
- Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
- Department Approved: *See appropriate department for approval and upper division consideration.
Program or Location: Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg - Mannheim
Foreign Course Title: Applied Econometrics
- Language of Instruction ENG
UO Transfer Information
- UO subject and title: EC: Applied Econometrics
- Recorded as: OBWU 188
- Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
- Department Approved: *See appropriate department for approval and upper division consideration.
Program or Location: Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg - Mannheim
Foreign Course Title: Applied Multivariate Statistics
- Language of Instruction ENG
UO Transfer Information
- UO subject and title: MATH: Appl Multivariate Statistics
- Recorded as: OBWU 388
- Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
- Department Approved: YES
Program or Location: Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg - Mannheim
Foreign Course Title: Brand and Product Management
UO Transfer Information
- UO subject and title: BA: Brand and Product Management
- Recorded as: OBWU 188
- Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
- Department Approved: *See appropriate department for approval and upper division consideration.
Program or Location: Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg - Mannheim
Foreign Course Title: British and Irish Border Narratives
- Language of Instruction ENG
UO Transfer Information
- UO subject and title: SOC: British and Irish Border Narrtaives
- Recorded as: OBWU 188
- Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
- Department Approved: *See appropriate department for approval and upper division consideration.
Program or Location: Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg - Mannheim
Foreign Course Title: Competition Policy
- Language of Instruction ENG
UO Transfer Information
- UO subject and title: EC: Competition Policy
- Recorded as: OBWU 488
- Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
- Department Approved: YES
Program or Location: Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg - Mannheim
Foreign Course Title: Der Nahostkonflikt, Genese, Verlauf, Diskurse
- Language of Instruction GER
UO Transfer Information
- UO subject and title: PS: The Middle East Confilct, Geneis, Course, Discourse
- Recorded as: OBWU 188
- Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
- Department Approved: *See appropriate department for approval and upper division consideration.
Program or Location: Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg - Mannheim
Foreign Course Title: Determinants of International Cooperation
UO Transfer Information
- UO subject and title: PS: Determinants of International Cooperation
- Recorded as: OBWU 488
- Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
- Department Approved: YES
Program or Location: Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg - Mannheim
Foreign Course Title: Economics of European Integration
- Language of Instruction ENG
UO Transfer Information
- UO subject and title: EC: Economics of European Integration
- Recorded as: OBWU 188
- Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
- Department Approved: *See appropriate department for approval and upper division consideration.
Program or Location: Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg - Mannheim
Foreign Course Title: Economics of Network Industries
- Language of Instruction ENG
UO Transfer Information
- UO subject and title: EC: Network Industries
- Recorded as: OBWU 488
- Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
- Department Approved: YES