Meet With Your Advisor

Meeting with your academic advisor is key to staying on track for graduation and making the most of your class choices. Your advisor can help you plan which classes to enroll in before your registration date so you will be best prepared to register. You can find your advisor’s contact information in the DuckWeb Student Menu under View General Student Information.

Other advisor meeting benefits and tips: 

  • You may be able to use walk-in advising hours; check with your advisor or department.
  • Before your advising meeting use Ducks on Track and the information available in the undergraduate catalog to identify potential courses in which to enroll. If you do not know how to use these resources your academic advisor can introduce them to you.
  • During your advising meeting, you and your advisor will work together to identify appropriate courses in which you could enroll.
  • After your advising meeting you can put the courses discussed into your shopping cart to complete registration when you are eligible to enroll.
  • If a class is marked as requiring instructor or department approval, seek approval from the instructor or department offering the course before registering for the course.
  • Be sure to update DuckWeb with your current address. Unless we have a current mailing and email address, important information may be misdirected. See Personal Information Application in DuckWeb.