Program Course Equivalencies

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Displaying 3361 through 3370 results of 4914 of matching course equivalencies.

  • Program or Location: Europe » France » University of Poitiers

    Foreign Course Title: Littérature - Lecture de Nouvelles

    • Language of Instruction FR

    UO Transfer Information

    • UO subject and title: FR: 19C & 20C Literature
    • Recorded as: OPOI 388
    • Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): FR 319
    • Core Education Requirements: AL or BA Lang
    • Department Approved: YES
  • Program or Location: Europe » France » University of Poitiers

    Foreign Course Title: Médiation Interculturelle - Tandem

    UO Transfer Information

    • UO subject and title: FR: French/English Conversation
    • Recorded as: OPOI 388
    • Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
  • Program or Location: Europe » France » University of Poitiers

    Foreign Course Title: Méthodes Numériques pour la Modédelisation

    UO Transfer Information

    • UO subject and title: MATH: Numerical Methods for Modeling
    • Recorded as: OPOI 188
    • Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
    • Department Approved: *See appropriate department for approval and upper division consideration.
  • Program or Location: Europe » France » University of Poitiers

    Foreign Course Title: Mobilités Humaines et Dynamiques Spatiales

    UO Transfer Information

    • UO subject and title: SOC: Human Mobility
    • Recorded as: OPOI 388
    • Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
    • Core Education Requirements: SSC
    • Department Approved: *No syllabus submitted for evaluation.
  • Program or Location: Europe » France » University of Poitiers

    Foreign Course Title: Paléontologie Humaine

    UO Transfer Information

    • UO subject and title: ANTH: Human Paleontology
    • Recorded as: OPOI 488
    • Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
    • Department Approved: *No syllabus submitted for evaluation.
  • Program or Location: Europe » France » University of Poitiers

    Foreign Course Title: Phonétique

    UO Transfer Information

    • UO subject and title: FR: Phonics
    • Recorded as: OPOI 388
    • Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
    • Department Approved: *No syllabus submitted for evaluation.
  • Program or Location: Europe » France » University of Poitiers

    Foreign Course Title: Polyglotta - Internship

    UO Transfer Information

    • UO subject and title: INTL: Internship
    • Recorded as: OPOI 488
    • Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
    • Department Approved: *No syllabus submitted for evaluation.
  • Program or Location: Europe » France » University of Poitiers

    Foreign Course Title: Pratiques Contemporaines: Littératures, écranes, Scénes

    UO Transfer Information

    • UO subject and title: FR: Literature, Screens and Scenes
    • Recorded as: OPOI 188
    • Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
    • Department Approved: *No syllabus submitted for evaluation. See appropriate department for upper division consideration.
  • Program or Location: Europe » France » University of Poitiers

    Foreign Course Title: Processus de Peuplement et Urbanisation

    UO Transfer Information

    • UO subject and title: INTL: Settlement & Urbanization Process
    • Recorded as: OPOI 388
    • Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
    • Department Approved: *No syllabus submitted for evaluation.
  • Program or Location: Europe » France » University of Poitiers

    Foreign Course Title: Révolution Americaine et Française, Approache Comparative

    UO Transfer Information

    • UO subject and title: HIST: Americas & French Revolution
    • Recorded as: OPOI 388
    • Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): EUROPE/PRE 1800
    • Core Education Requirements: SSC
    • Department Approved: YES