Study Abroad Credit

By studying abroad, you learn about new cultures and people while making academic progress. Understanding the nuances of registration and credits as you plan to study abroad will help you keep on track.

Campus Course Registration

Students cannot have concurrent registration for main campus courses and UO study abroad courses in Fall, Winter, and Spring terms. Concurrent registration is approved during Summer term. Study abroad registration cannot be processed if main campus registration exists. 

Please use the web form below, after consulting with your GEO advisor, to request that the Office of the Registrar drop your main campus courses in order to add the CRN for your UO Study Abroad program.

Request Drop Main Campus Registration

Full-Time Enrollment

Students may be required to enroll full-time during their study abroad experience because of financial aid or visa requirements. If students are planning to end their program or reduce credits for any reason, they should consult with their GEO advisor for more support.

Program Course Equivalencies

UO departments determine the course levels for UO study abroad courses if the program does not already have established course levels. Please work directly with the department that best aligns with the subject matter to determine course level and major or minor approvals. Save any syllabi or other course documents while on your program to provide to the department(s) for their evaluation process. If the course that you are looking up is not listed or indicates that “no syllabus submitted for evaluation”, please work directly with the appropriate department for an evaluation of your study abroad courses.

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