Program Course Equivalencies

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Displaying 4911 through 4914 results of 4914 of matching course equivalencies.

  • Program or Location: Oceania » Samoa » Apia - SIT

    Foreign Course Title: Independent Study Project (various topics)

    • Foreign course number: OSIT 388
    • Language of Instruction ENG

    UO Transfer Information

    • UO subject and title: GLBL: Independent Study Project
    • Recorded as: OSIT 388
    • Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
    • Department Approved: YES
  • Program or Location: Oceania » Samoa » Apia - SIT

    Foreign Course Title: Research Methods & Ethics

    • Foreign course number: OSIT 388
    • Language of Instruction ENG

    UO Transfer Information

    • UO subject and title: ANTH: Research Methods & Ethics
    • Recorded as: OSIT 388
    • Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
    • Department Approved: YES
  • Program or Location: Oceania » Samoa » Apia - SIT

    Foreign Course Title: Samoan

    • Foreign course number: OSIT 188
    • Language of Instruction SAMOAN

    UO Transfer Information

    • UO subject and title: SMO: Beginning Samoan
    • Recorded as: OSIT 188
    • Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
  • Program or Location: Oceania » Samoa » Apia - SIT

    Foreign Course Title: Traditional Societies in Transition

    • Foreign course number: OSIT 388
    • Language of Instruction ENG

    UO Transfer Information

    • UO subject and title: SMO: Traditional Societies in Transition
    • Recorded as: OSIT 388
    • Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
    • Core Education Requirements: GP
    • Department Approved: *No syllabus submitted for evaluation.