Program Course Equivalencies

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Displaying 3621 through 3630 results of 4914 of matching course equivalencies.

  • Program or Location: Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg - Stuttgart

    Foreign Course Title: Renaissance in Frankreich

    • Language of Instruction GER

    UO Transfer Information

    • UO subject and title: ARH: Renaissance in France
    • Recorded as: OBWU 388
    • Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
    • Core Education Requirements: AL, GP
  • Program or Location: Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg - Stuttgart

    Foreign Course Title: September Language & Orientation: German in Review (A1)

    • Language of Instruction ENG/GER

    UO Transfer Information

    • UO subject and title: GER: German in Review
    • Recorded as: OBWU 188
    • Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
  • Program or Location: Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg - Stuttgart

    Foreign Course Title: Sprachkurs Deutsch (A2)

    • Language of Instruction GER

    UO Transfer Information

    • UO subject and title: GER: German Language
    • Recorded as: OBWU 288
    • Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
  • Program or Location: Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg - Stuttgart

    Foreign Course Title: Stadt und Land als Arbeitsorte

    • Language of Instruction GER

    UO Transfer Information

    • UO subject and title: ARCH: City and Countryside as Workplaces
  • Program or Location: Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg - Stuttgart

    Foreign Course Title: Stegreif: Walk and Research

    UO Transfer Information

    • UO subject and title: ARCH: Walk and Research
    • Recorded as: OBWU 188
    • Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
    • Department Approved: *See appropriate department for approval and upper division consideration.
  • Program or Location: Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg - Stuttgart

    Foreign Course Title: Sustainability and Design

    • Language of Instruction ENG

    UO Transfer Information

    • UO subject and title: PPPM: Sustainability and Design
    • Recorded as: OBWU 188
    • Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
  • Program or Location: Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg - Stuttgart

    Foreign Course Title: Tragwerkslehre I

    UO Transfer Information

    • UO subject and title: ARCH: Structural theory I
    • Recorded as: OBWU 188
    • Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
    • Department Approved: *See appropriate department for approval and upper division consideration.
  • Program or Location: Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg - Stuttgart

    Foreign Course Title: War Destruction and Rebuilding

    • Language of Instruction ENG

    UO Transfer Information

    • UO subject and title: ARCH: War Destruction and Rebuilding
    • Recorded as: OBWU 488
    • Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
  • Program or Location: Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg - Tübingen

    Foreign Course Title: Access Tour Germany

    UO Transfer Information

    • UO subject and title: GER: Access Tour Germany
    • Recorded as: OBWU 188
    • Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC
    • Department Approved: *See appropriate department for approval and upper division consideration.
  • Program or Location: Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg - Tübingen

    Foreign Course Title: Alltagskommunikation und Umgangssprache B1/B2

    UO Transfer Information

    • UO subject and title: GER: Daily Communicatioan and Colloqualisms in German
    • Recorded as: OBWU 38/8
    • Evaluated as (equivalent courses not repeatable for credit): ELEC