Uploading Grades

Grades can be uploaded in DuckWeb from a spreadsheet or Canvas gradebook. It is not possible to upload grade changes after a roster has been submitted.


Faculty can upload their grades from a spreadsheet into their DuckWeb grade rosters instead of entering student grades one at a time. The process involves three basic steps:

  1. Prepare an upload spreadsheet.
    1. Note which column contains the student ID numbers.
    2. Note which column contains the final letter grade. Plus or minus grades, i.e. B-, need to be in the same column as the grade itself.
    3. Student ID numbers and final letter grades must be in the first 25 columns, i.e. columns A-Y.
    4. Save the spreadsheet as a tab-delimited .txt (text) file and note the file location.
  2. Log in to DuckWeb and upload grades.
    1. Navigate to the Course Administration Center page under the Faculty Menu.
    2. Select the term or semester to enter grades for. The list of classes you are teaching for that term will be displayed.
    3. Select the Upload Grades from File action for the class you want to enter grades for. Then select GO to the right of the action.
    4. Enter the path or filename of the upload file or browse for the file and select Open.
    5. Set file type to “Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt)”.
    6. Specify the column containing the student ID numbers noted earlier.
    7. Specify the column containing the final letter grade noted earlier.
    8. Select Process File to upload the file. Resolve any errors with the upload file before continuing.
  3. Review and submit the grade roster.
    1. Select View Grade Roster and resolve any errors.
    2. Check the “I am finished grading this roster” checkbox and select Submit Final Roster. Once the roster is submitted, corrections or additional grades must be processed through the Course Administration Center, by selecting the Change a Grade option.
    3. Repeat the process for any additional courses.

Canvas Gradebook

Faculty can upload their grades from Canvas into their DuckWeb grade rosters instead of entering student grades one at a time. The process involves four basic steps:

  1. Enable a grade scheme in Canvas.
    1. Log in to Canvas and navigate to your course Settings.
    2. Check the checkbox to Enable Course Grading Scheme. This will ensure that letter grades are generated in the Canvas gradebook.
    3. Select View Grading Scheme to check that the default grading scheme matches with your course grading scheme. If the default grading scheme does not match your course grading scheme:
      1. Select Manage Grading Schemes.
      2. Select Add Grading Scheme to edit the default grading scheme.
      3. Enter a name for your grading scheme.
      4. Add and edit components of the grading scheme.
      5. Save your changes.
    4. Navigate back to course Settings and select View Grading Scheme and Select Another Scheme.
    5. Select the scheme and Use This Grading Standard.
    6. Select Done to save changes.
  2. Download the grades from Canvas.
    1. Log in to Canvas and navigate to Grades.
    2. Select Export, then Current. The comma-separated values (CSV) file will be downloaded to your device.
    3. Open the file on your device and note the column numbers for the student ID number and final letter grade.
  3. Log in to DuckWeb and upload grades.
    1. Navigate to the Course Administration Center page under the Faculty Menu.
    2. Select the term or semester to enter grades for. The list of classes you are teaching for that term will be displayed.
    3. Select the Upload Grades from File action for the class you want to enter grades for. Then select GO to the right of the action.
    4. Enter the path or filename of the exported gradebook file or browse for the file and select Open.
    5. Set file type to comma-delimited.
    6. Specify the column containing the student ID numbers noted earlier.
    7. Specify the column containing the final letter grade noted earlier.
    8. Select Process File to upload the file. Resolve any errors with the upload file before continuing.
  4. Review and submit the grade roster.
    1. Select View Grade Roster and resolve any errors.
    2. Check the “I am finished grading this roster” checkbox and select Submit Final Roster. Once the roster is submitted, corrections or additional grades must be processed through the Course Administration Center, by selecting the Change a Grade option.
    3. Repeat the process for any additional courses.

Users with the GTF role in Canvas are not able to export the full gradebook needed for uploading grades.