Maximum Credit Advising

Advisors play a key role in supporting students with their academic progress at the University of Oregon. We appreciate your support and insight at various points in the journey, including when students want to increase their credit loads. 

If you support a student’s request to register for more than 21 credits in a term, you can update their credit load in DuckWeb to 22, 23, or 24 credits. If you support a student’s request to register for 25 or more credits a term, you will need to complete the advisor’s statement that will go before the Academic Requirements Committee for review.

This petition cannot be used for:

  • Increasing credits from 18 to 21. The registration maximum will be increased to 21 when non-degree seeking (CEP) registration opens. Please see the academic calendar for that date.
  • Increasing credits from 15 to 18 for students on probation. Please see Academic Advising for support.

Advisor Statement to Petition to Increase Maximum Credit Load