The University of Oregon uses Banner to manage student data.
Employees who need to access student data for their jobs will need to request access to Banner. The process to obtain access starts with the UO Service Portal and an online FERPA training course. You will also need to complete the online request form with your dean or department head as an approver.
Banner Student System Access Request
The Banner Glossary provides an overview of each Banner form and its function.
Form | Function |
GUAPMNU | Banner maintenance form to search for most used forms and use arrows to move forms to “My Banner” folder in the Banner main menu. |
SFAINDV | Add individualized study instructor and title. Check course title guidelines for title requirements. |
SFAWLPR | Used as waitlist priority form. |
SFAXWLP | Used as waitlist priority form for cross-listed courses. |
SFIWLNT | Lists waitlist notifications: it shows date notified and final registration status. |
SGAEOVR | Form used to allow additional enrollment beyond current course capacity. Confirm that there are enough seats in the classroom. |
SGAROVR | Form used to override prerequisite, major/minor restrictions, and instructor/department approval. |
SGASRSV | Form used to override instructor/department approval. |
SIAASGQ | Form used to query faculty teaching schedule. |
SQASECT | Queries schedules: view section data, roster of registered students, attributes, fees, meeting times, instructors, major/minor restrictions, and college/level restrictions. |
SSADETL | Review section fees. |
SSADSCT | Allows limited data entry through week 7 of a term: add/remove/change instructor, adjust enrollment, and add/remove department or instructor approval. |
SSAHTML | Publish web link or short description on DuckWeb for generic course numbers. |
SSAMATQ | Used to look up a schedule by building/room number. Does not include miscellaneous room reservations for courses. |
SSAPREQ | Allows you to review section prerequisites. |
SSARRES | Add registration restrictions during data entry. |
SSASECT | Use during open data entry to build classes, make changes, or delete classes. |
SWASBIN | Used to review departmental class schedule header and footnote information. |
SWRDAYS | Zone protocol report. Go to SQASECT and select SWRDAYS from the Options menu. |
SWREDIT | Allows you to schedule proof by course. Go to SQASECT and select SWREDIT from the Options menu. |
SWREGRP | Used to run reports for the Office of the Registrar. |