University of Oregon General Classrooms

Below is a list of campus classrooms. Room numbers link directly to the Information Services Classroom Technology Classroom Equipment page.

Codes signify type of seating (e.g. tablet armchairs or fixed seats), department and maximum capacity. Full code definitions appear in the legends at the bottom of this page, and you also hover your mouse over a code to reveal its definition.

View Classroom Equipment, Photos and other classroom details here

Building Room Seats Joint-Controlled Department Capacity Notes
Agate Hall 100 TA   48  
Allen Hall (ALL) 140 TC   40  
  141 TC J 74  
  221 FS   155  
Anstett Hall (ANS) 191 TC   48  
  192 TC   22  
  193 TC   26  
  195 TC   42  
Cascade Hall (CAS) 202 TA ERTH 35  
Chapman Hall (CHA) 201 TA HC 25  
  202 TA HC 25
  220 FS   142
  301 TA HC 25
Chiles Center (CHI) 128 FS   92 Not ADA for instructor
  225 FT LCB 59  
Clinical Services Building (CLS) 216 TC ED 18  
  250 FS   150 Not ADA for instructor, Piano
Columbia Hall (COL) 44 TA   28  
  45 TA   28  
  150 FS   450  
Condon Hall (CON) 104 TA   39  
  106 TC GEOG 30  
  201 TA   30  
  203 TA   30  
  260 TA   40  
  301 TA   39  
  330 TC ANTH 20  
  360 TA   40  
Lokey Education (ED) 116 TC ED 42  
  117 TC ED 56  
  176 TC ED 66  
  276 TC ED 66  
Esslinger Hall (ESL) 105 TA   60  
  107 TA   40  
  112 TA   49 Offline through summer 2024
  116 TA   49 Offline through summer 2024
  193 TA   20  
  199 TA   36  
Fenton Hall (FEN) 105 TA MATH 36  
  110 FS   148  
  117 TA   42  
  119 TA   24  
Friendly Hall (FR) 106 TA LING 36  
  206 TA   15  
  214 TA   30  
  217 TA   13  
  221 TA   18  
  225 TA RL 20  
Gerlinger Hall (GER) 242 TA   60  
  246 TA   40  
  248 TA   44  
  301 TA   49  
  302 TA   80  
  303 TA HPHY 35  
Global Scholars Hall (GSH) 123 TC RO 208 Reserve through RO 8am-5pm Fall, Winter, and Spring terms only
  130 TA RO 33 Reserve through RO 8am-5pm Fall, Winter, and Spring terms only
  131 TC RO 33 Reserve through RO 8am-5pm Fall, Winter, and Spring terms only
  132 TC RO 33 Reserve through RO 8am-5pm Fall, Winter, and Spring terms only
Hedco Building (HED) 142 TC ED 54  
  144 TC ED 48  
  146 TC ED 54  
  220 TC   113  
Jaqua Center (JAQ) 101 FS RO 114 Reserve thru RO 8am-4pm Monday-Thursday Fall, Winter, and Spring terms only
Lawrence Hall (LA) 115 FS   119  
  166 TA   66  
  177 FS   216  
  222 TC LA 24  
  230 TC PPPM 32  
Knight Library (LIB) 41 TC RO 48 Reserve thru RO 8am-8pm
  42 TC RO 24 Reserve thru RO 8am-8pm
  101 TC RO 80 Reserve thru RO 8am-8pm
  222 TC RO 15 Reserve thru RO 8am-8pm
  322 TC RO 20 Reserve thru RO 8am-8pm
  401 TC RO 18 Reserve thru RO 8am-8pm
Lillis Hall (LIL) 111 FT   60  
  112 TA   68  
  132 FT LCB 60  
  162 FT LCB 60  
  175 FT   46  
  182 FS   283  
  185 FT   46  
  211 FT LCB 103  
  212 FT LCB 60  
  232 FT LCB 60  
  245 TC LCB 40  
  255 TC LCB 40  
  262 FT LCB 60  
  275 FT LCB 46  
  282 FS   243  
  285 FT LCB 46  
Living Learning Center (LLC) 101 TC RO 157 Reserve through RO 8am-5pm Fall, Winter, and Spring terms only
  123 TA RO 39 Offline for Academic Success Hub
  125 TA RO 34 Reserve through RO 8am-5pm Fall, Winter, and Spring terms only
McKenzie Hall (MCK) 101 TA   47 New general pool room fall 2023
  121 TA   30  
  122 TA   32  
  123 TA   30  
  125 FT   95  
  129 FT   147  
  214 TA ENG 56  
  221 FT   95  
  229 FT   95  
  240A TC   90  
  240B TA   27  
  240C TC   96  
  345 TA   14  
  347 TA   25  
  348 TA   24  
  349 TA   26  
  373 TA HIST 30  
  471 TA HIST 28  
  473 TA   22  
Pacific Hall (PAC) 16 FS   52 Offline through winter 2024
  30 FS   53 Offline from winter 2022-winter 2024
  123 FS   203  
Peterson Hall (PETR) 101 TC   30  
  102 TA   32  
  103 TC   30  
  105 TC   36  
  107 TC   30  
Prince Lucien Campbell Hall (PLC) 072 TC   40 New general pool room fall 2023
  180 FS   344  
  184 TA   32 New general pool room fall 2023
  189 TA   36  
  248 TC   20  
  361 TA   20  
  627 TC   11  
Straub Hall (STB) 145 FS   140  
(International Classroom) 151 TC   32 Reserve through RO 8am-5pm Fall, Winter, and Spring terms only
(International Classroom) 154 TC   32 Reserve through RO 8am-5pm Fall, Winter, and Spring terms only
  156 FS   520  
  245 TA   100  
  251 TA   36  
  252 TA   36  
  253 TA   36  
  254 TA   36  
Tykeson Hall (TYKE) 32 TC   100  
  140 TC   70  
  204 TC   70  
  233 TA   40  
  240 TA   30  
  340 TA   30  
University Hall (UNIV) -- --   -- Building offline as of summer 2023 for the Heritage Project
Villard Hall (VIL) -- --   -- Building offline as of summer 2023 for the Heritage Project
Volcanology Building (VOL) 101 TA   25  
Willamette Hall (WIL) 100 FS   218 Piano
  110 FS   76  
  112 TC PHYS 30  

Effective August 2023


Seat Codes

TA Tablet Armchairs
TC Tables w/Chairs
FS Fixed Seats
FT Fixed Tables/Moveable Chairs